Hey man watched your match!
Don’t worry about losing your first fight man, particularly if it’s amateur. I remember my first competition. The nerves really got to me. I’m lucky I managed to pull off a win.
If you don’t mind me saying, I think that’s what happened here too. Seems like you were a little too overstimulated. A good level of stimulation for a fight, at least for me, would be a little bit over writing a good flow state article. The preps already done. It’s showtime and time to execute what you’ve already trained many, many times (hopefully!!!) before the match.
If you’d like more technical advice, you could’ve used your reach more with two things specifically: your straight punches and your push kicks. Your opponent was switching southpaw constantly, and lead rights and straight kicks would’ve done the job beautifully. By swinging hooks you’re giving up a lot of range.
Hope that helps man. I’m about to go coach a class now, but if you’d like more tips, feel free to ask. Happy to help—and it’s onwards and upwards from here, brotha!