I am not taking a neutral stance, Carmen. I think sex work should be legalized---as it already is in Singapore. However, Mona refused to get registered. Does it have to do with cultural stigma and/or money? You bet.
As for taking a more active role, should I tear out my hair and rend my clothes in front of the ministerial parliament? That would be ineffective. It would not help things. So I choose to do what I do best. I write the stories of the forgotten and the downtrodden as honestly and as entertainingly as possible, that they might compound and people might one day come across them and think, "Say, that escort/drug addict/army conscript is not so different from me, after all. I think I should have more empathy for them." And that is the beginning of change.
I see from your profile that you have written some articles about sex work, so even if you don't think the same, I think we are kindred teammates of sorts, and I hope you have enjoyed reading my story even if you disagree with certain points I make. Have a good day, Carmen. :)