Thank you for your reply! I used to visit a nearby town frequently since I dated a girl there. I've been to the town you're currently at occasionally, although not long enough to see the dogs eating the feces.
I'm looking very much to your next story! And no...Bangkok is many things, but it is most definitely not boring. At the moment I'll be choosing between Bangkok and Bali, perhaps jetting to and fro. Did you travel to many places in Bali? It is a huge island, and one side of it is vastly different from the other. Give it another chance. I liked it. You might, too.
Since you're travelling further East, another option you might want to consider is, strangely enough, Central Asia. I stayed in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan for a month (once again, it was because of a girl) and I really, really enjoyed it. The views are to die for. Istanbul, which I passed by on my way there, seems like a lovely historical town as well. It also doesn't hurt that for both places the people (read: the women) are beautiful.